2024-2025 Enrollment Information
Enroll at the Sylogist website, the site you log into to check student grades. There is also a link on the school website. If you have logged in previously you will see a new screen on your next login. Read through the options and select your choices, then it will not show up again.
Enter the username and password you use to login to see grades. If you don’t know it you can click on the forgot password link and reset your password.
If you don’t have an account you need to click on Request an Account, fill out the information and we will get your account activated as soon as possible.
You can also call the elementary office at 580-669-2254. JH/HS students contact the HS office at 580-669-2261
Click on - Student Records Portal
Click on - Enroll Student - 2024-2025 *make sure you choose the correct year
Fill out and submit all required documents for your student.
If you have more than one student to enroll you will complete the enrollment process next to each student's name. If you have a new PreK student and already have an account for siblings click on the add new student link, ONLY if they are brand new to our school.
We are encouraging everyone to enroll before this school year ends and the elementary will be having rewards at the end of April and May for all students already enrolled!